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Humans are by far the most common race amongst those living in Arkelon.  Their adaptation to different climates is well-known and even renowned amidst the other races of the world. This ability granted them an enormous diversity in their ranks.


From the nomadic tribes of the South, to the more sedentary ones in the North, Humans are widely scattered around Arkelon. They are usually seen as the most dominant race, due to their sheer numbers and adaptability traits, but are faced with drawbacks from their tendency to conquer and divide the other races’ territories.

Humans of all kind are a mixed bag – while some can be empathic and kind, their neighbors can be just as cold and unforgiving as the North. Nevertheless, most of them share a common characteristic of collecting and keeping relics from the past, while thirsting for new knowledge and new technologies. This last peculiarity can cause a lot of Humans to suffer from nostalgia towards their past.




The Mwaouans are found typically in the savannah

or at least, in the far South of the Western

Continent in Arkelon. With very few masses of

usable water to support their territories, they

often rely on their survival skills to make their

lives easier, especially for agriculture.

While most Mwaouans living in the city can be

seen wearing modern clothes – but still with

a touch of tradition in them, in the way of

patterns of colors – the ones living farther from

the cities still wear their traditional attire.

Most cities, presented with an unusual blending of technology and tradition in architecture, are led by hereditary monarchies – but they can be challenged and overthrown. Villages are instead guided by elders,

promoting their traditions instead of pushing technology to the front line.


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