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Arcane Golems

Arcane Golems are constructs, usually created and upgraded by Humanoids or sometimes even by their fellow Golems. Even if they can feel a complex and varied range of emotions, they are often seen as disposable and mere objects by most races. Arcane Golems are typically encouraged to get jobs deemed dangerous for the living, and very few can get a “real” job in the modern world unless they are willing to put themselves in danger. 


They live in major cities amongst other races, and they don’t really have a set economy, or even political leaders. They usually follow along with the customs of the races inhabiting their shared city. Years ago, Arcane Golems made uprisings in order to gain more rights as citizens and not simply objects like they were before. Golem slavery was also abolished hundred of years ago. Some of them, living on the margins of society, have developed their own rites, rules and groups.




The Simulacrums are part of the Arcane Golems group, but are

often mistaken for typical Humanoids, compared to their fellow race members. As such, they have an easier time while roaming the lands

or just living in the cities. They are often created from models of real people. Simulacrums are hyper realistic androids, and typically

hold jobs as infiltrators for the high layers of society. They make

good secret agents and spies because of this. 


However, they struggle with understanding emotions and facial expressions, or simply to express their own feelings. They are

often calculated and cold because of this, making them

untrustworthy to a lot of races. Since they also do not age nor

feel the aches of getting older, many races are jealous of them.


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