Imagine this scenario: you and your allies have come face to face with the ultimate confrontation, a battle between good and evil. When clashes break out during the fight, you might get hit so hard that you have to take a potion on your turn. While you wait patiently, an ally fires a fireball at an enemy, the next one stumbles into a ditch, and another helps you out with a healing spell. However, this is not enough for you to get out of your dire predicament. When your turn finally arrives, you are finally able to act. Taking a potion out of your backpack is the only logical thing to do in such a situation. As your turn approaches an end, one of your adversaries may finally strike that evil individual taking the unquestionable advantage of the only ally able to heal you. On their next turn, the magician throws a fireball that misses its target completely and hits a wall. You friend, caught in a trap, still cannot escape it. In the absence of other options, the healer must change their position; they turn and move back a bit farther away from the attacker's sword. At last, it’s up to you. You can finally... consume your potion.
This frustrating scenario is why we instituted a stamina points system. We want to give players options and freedom when it comes time for them to act, while also giving combat a much more dynamic feel by letting them act out of turn if needed.
Actions cost predetermined amounts of stamina to carry out. It would take 2 points of energy in order to drink a potion, which would leave 2 points of energy for a level 1 character to spend on another action, such as using a level 1 spell. A player might choose to do many smaller actions rather than to handle a single large action which will have a higher stamina cost. At the end of their turn, the character regains the energy they spent.
Various reaction skills have been developed as a result of this gameplay. A character with this kind of capacity can intervene in certain situations outside their turn in a fight as the action unfolds. Suppose one character falls after failing their reflex save, another character may be able to intervene outside of their turn and slow their descent. In this particular scenario, the character will spend a number of resources that they won’t have on their turn during the initiative. They will have to act using their remaining stamina points, but the points will automatically be replenished at the end of that tour. By implementing this system, we have created several ways for players to act (and react) when they wish. Time Shamans, for example, master the art of acting even when the action is taking place at the same time, in and out of their turn, without the session becoming complete chaos.
It may also be a character's decision to act beyond his or her individual abilities. This person, in an elated spirit of heroism, could choose to keep battling when they have less energy to do so, and is still able to do some good before exhausting themselves. Of course, in the midst of their fatigue, the protagonist will be exhausted and will need rest.
At the beginning of the game, each level one character has four (4) stamina points. These points increase as the character levels up, thus creating a sense of progression within the players and, hopefully, providing them with a more immersive experience as an extra incentive to hold on to their most ambitious and far-fetched plans.
Thank you again for joining us again, and have fun on Arkelon!